Thursday, April 17, 2014

Perfectly Pretty Pastels

Wow... does time fly or what? If you said "what," then I envy you. I won't bog you down of the boring details of the past few weeks, but there are two interesting events that happened weekend before last that I'll share after the main event: fashion; topic: trendy spring pastels
 In past years pastels never caught my attention, but this year I'm totally opposite. Right now I'm loving the softness of the pastel look. You can wear pastels on pastels or with a bright contrast. Seeing as it's spring they are very fashionable (obviously) and there are two colors I've noticed are really in: mint and pinkish-peach. Those colors look so great together and I am so sad that the peach colored shirt I have has been missing for six months and is still missing. Such sadness and mystery. Maybe I'll find it one day with all the books and other random stuff that I've strangely lost.

 Back to our main topic again, be sure to check back soon to see my Easter dress, how I've made it modest, and accessorized to make it nicer and have more pop. I really love the whole outfit and can't wait to wear it Saturday night for the Easter Vigil.

USS Yorktown (battleship)
Laffey (destroyer)

Now to exciting personal events in my life. The weekend before last my family and I went camping in Charleston South Carolina. Why this location?
Selfie in the gift shop
Charleston is on the coast where there one can go and tour the U.S.S. Yorktown, a battleship; the Laffey, a destroyer; and a sub, of which I have forgotten the name. There were a good amount of people there, but one could simply roam around for as long as one wants for it's a self-guided tour. Plus, if someone is in the military and wears his/her uniform, then they can get in free, so it was pretty neat seeing soldiers of the different branches here and there. One thing I especially liked was that the battleship's top was covered in military planes, (and those were in addition to the planes within). Overall, it was really cool and a fun learning experience that I enjoyed very much!

I'm on the far left holding the baby

The other notable thing that happened up in South Carolina during our camping trip: I got to see the ocean for the first time in my entire life! Yes, it might sound crazy that this sixteen year old has never been to the ocean before, but it's true. We went there expecting to wade in the shallows and get our ankles wet... well, eight children going to the ocean for the first time... even the low-70's temperature couldn't stop us from slowly, but surely getting more and more wet until we were soaked. The sandy-freezing-half-hour-long car ride back to the camp site was not the most pleasurable part of the trip, but the fun we had in the waves were worth it, (or at least it was for me).


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