Saturday, February 1, 2014

Opening of the Makeup Page

Hey guys, Julia here! Mariana has very graciously invited me to write a make-up section for this blog. My posts will cover everything from the conservative style to the dark and dramatic. I'll also offer some tips along the way.

First things first, I need to let you know where I stand with make-up. Most people take one of two approaches, the first being the oh-my-gosh-I-can't-make-a-move-without-it approach. The second is the make-up-is-from-the-devil-never-use-it approach. I don't condone either of these. It's my strong belief that make-up should be used as a tool to make you look and feel your best by enhancing your natural beauty, not covering you up and painting a new face on you. My goal is to give you make-up ideas to do just that.

Some things to keep in mind while reading: First, be sure to check with your parents before you wear a certain make-up style; every family has different standards. That being said, I'll try my best to post a wide range of styles for everyone. Second, be creative and remember my posts are not the be-all end-all of make-up. On the contrary, I hope you use my ideas as inspiration to make your own unique look. Lastly, if you have any questions about products or if something I say confuses you, don't hesitate to let me know. No question is too silly, especially if this is your first time plunging into the world of make-up.

I hope you're all as excited for this section as I am! I'll be posting my first article soon. Until then—

Stay beautiful,
Julia <3

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