Tuesday, February 18, 2014

10 Fashion Questions with Hannah

February's 10 Fashion Questions features Hannah, who was kind enough to answer questions about her great style and all around fashion! Thanks Hannah!

1. What is your favorite color combination to wear?
Black and white with a little bit of color (like bright earrings or a bracelet).
2. How do the colors of your hair, skin, and eyes affect the colors you wear? What are some examples?
The color I think most complements my skin, eyes and hair (I have ivory skin, dark greyish-blue eyes and ever so slightly reddish-brown hair) would be white, because it makes it seem like I'm less pale than I am (I am really pale!). For example, in summer I wear a white dress of mine rather often. I also love navy blue because it is really classy and I love that color for clothing, and I tend to wear navy a lot in Winter.
3. How would you describe your fashion style in five words?
Fun/classy like Audrey Hepburn!
4. What’s your favorite accessory?
5. What is the most fun item in your wardrobe to wear?
The thing I enjoy wearing most would probably be these silver sandals from DSW, just because they go with everything and are so pretty!  
6. What's your favorite store?

My favorite store for everything but jeans would be Kohl's, but I love H&M's jeans sooo much. Both stores have great prices, and Kohl's has the most amazing sales, deals and rewards I've ever come across!

7. Do you have any modesty tips you’d like to share?

Modesty tip: Contrary to what a lot of people will tell you, loose shorts are not the key to being modest, as when you sit down and cross your legs or bend over they are lose enough so that anyone across from you can see right up them and thus do away with any effort at protecting your dignity. But of course if they are loose bermudas, then you're still safe. But if you don't like bermudas, then always check if someone can see up your leg when you sit and cross your legs! 

8. Neutral shoes or brightly colored shoes?

Neutral! Colorful/neon shoes are not classy. Blegh.

9. What’s your opinion about hats?

I don't particularly care for hats, I would never actually wear one (heck, that's what sunglasses are for, right?), but I admit that a lot of people can look amazing in them, take Kate Middleton for example.

10. What's your favorite fashion trend?

I would probably say that I love the fact that jean jackets are coming back into style. They add the "fun" to the "fun/classy like Audrey Hepburn"!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Heart Earrings DIY

I thought it was about time for another DIY and so I made one in honor of Valentine's Day! Now, I'm not one to go way out with hearts and valentine's everything, but it is a nice holiday, in my opinion, and I do enjoying dressing in pink, red, and hearts attire. It's rather nice to have a day celebrating love! I meant to get this done sooner . . . but time exists and I'm posting this later than I'd wanted. However, it's still not yet Valentine's Day, so I'm thankfully not late.



Saturday, February 1, 2014

Opening of the Makeup Page

Hey guys, Julia here! Mariana has very graciously invited me to write a make-up section for this blog. My posts will cover everything from the conservative style to the dark and dramatic. I'll also offer some tips along the way.

First things first, I need to let you know where I stand with make-up. Most people take one of two approaches, the first being the oh-my-gosh-I-can't-make-a-move-without-it approach. The second is the make-up-is-from-the-devil-never-use-it approach. I don't condone either of these. It's my strong belief that make-up should be used as a tool to make you look and feel your best by enhancing your natural beauty, not covering you up and painting a new face on you. My goal is to give you make-up ideas to do just that.

Some things to keep in mind while reading: First, be sure to check with your parents before you wear a certain make-up style; every family has different standards. That being said, I'll try my best to post a wide range of styles for everyone. Second, be creative and remember my posts are not the be-all end-all of make-up. On the contrary, I hope you use my ideas as inspiration to make your own unique look. Lastly, if you have any questions about products or if something I say confuses you, don't hesitate to let me know. No question is too silly, especially if this is your first time plunging into the world of make-up.

I hope you're all as excited for this section as I am! I'll be posting my first article soon. Until then—

Stay beautiful,
Julia <3